WhatsApp is one of the world’s most popular messaging platforms and is available on a wide range of devices such as Windows Phone, Blackberry devices, iOS, Android and more. It may not be as secure as some of its users think though, with a Dutch developing claiming that there’s a security hole in the app meaning you could easily intercept other people’s messages.
Thijs Alkemade, the Dutch developer, said that the app uses the same key to encrypt outgoing and incoming messages, and affects a wide range of WhatsApp devices — including Nokia Series 40, Android and possibly iOS devices.
Whilst it wouldn’t be easy for someone without specific knowledge to intercept your message, according to Alkemade it should be relatively easy for someone who knows what they’re doing.
“If we have two messages encrypted with the same RC4 key, we can cancel the key stream out,” he said.
It’s not the first time this issue has come to light, with both the Soviet Union and Microsoft making similar mistakes in the years gone by. WhatsApp has refuted claims that its software is insecure though, and in a statement to PCWorld said:
“WhatsApp takes security seriously and is continually thinking of ways to improve our product.
“While we appreciate feedback, we’re concerned that the blogger’s story describes a scenario that is more theoretical in nature. Also stating that all conversations should be considered compromised is inaccurate.”