Technology is advancing at a frankly scary rate. It won’t be long until we’re all living in a dystopian SkyNet futurescape with Terminators breaking down our doors to take our families. And when they do, they’ll probably be equipped with a SanDisk Ultra microSDXC 128GB.
The leading name in microSD cards, SanDisk has outdone itself yet again, this time creating the world’s first microSD card with a storage capacity of 128GB.
That’s double what you could have previously bought. Seeing that just about every Android smartphone (and tablet) out there not only comes with the capacity to equip one, but also relies upon them if you want to put any vaguely large files on your smartphone, that’s great news.
Even if you aren’t interested in arming your phone with the storage capacity of your average netbook, the release of the Ultra microSDXC 128GB will probably mean a price drop across the board on smaller capacity models. A good thing too, seeing as it’s expected to set you back around £220. Yikes – you could buy a 4TB external hard drive for the same price.
For those curious, here’s how all that capacity breaks down: You could store roughly 43,500 CD-quality MP3’s, 26,000 photos captured on a 10 megapixel camera, 40 full-length 1080p HD movies, or 3,000 copies of Angry Birds (but you’d really have to love Angry Birds to do that).
Essentially, one purchase of an Ultra microSDXC 128GB and your phone is set for the foreseeable future. You could carry around every photo you’ve ever snapped on your phone, every MP3 in your collection and a few movies to boot, and still have room to download apps from now until the end of time without having to worry about storage. Pretty impressive.
A release date has yet to be set, but expect an announcement some time in the very near future.