Blackberry review website Berry Review has revealed that a single developer has produced almost 1/3 of the apps available for Blackberry devices, taking advantage of the ability to submit apps for free to Blackberry World to use the store as a promotional tool.
S4BB, a Hong Kong based developer, currently has over 47,000 apps available for download, with Berry Review reporting that the vast majority are spam, stretching the definition of an app by publishing phrase books, city guides and audiobooks as apps.
The Blackberry World store has consistently struggled to stock enough apps to even begin to rival Apple’s App store and Android’s Google Play and while developers like S4BB might be helping to boost the quantity of apps available it looks like the quality of what’s on offer is unlikely to win Blackberry any new converts. By accounting for such a large percentage of the apps available for the platform S4BB could potentially provide misleading statistics skewing how influential they are perceived to be as an app developer.
This is yet more bad news for Blackberry, but in the scale of recent events it’s likely to be a drop in the ocean for the company’s fortunes.