The tablet market has slowly been invading our schools and universities over the past few years, with kids swapping PCs for iPads to help them with their studies. Such initiatives have seen a lot of positive press as of late, but Los Angeles isn’t feeling the love.
Apple has come to a deal with the city to hand out over 640,000 iPads to some 47 campuses by the end of 2014. That might sound like good news, but it hasn’t taken long for the children of Theodore Roosevelt High School, one of the first schools to benefit from the action, to figure out how to remove restrictions pre-installed onto the devices and use them for, dare we say it, ‘fun’ instead (or as well as) work. Web browser restrictions are being lifted and any kind of app can be installed once the simple restriction is banished, which 300 of the students have managed to do. The school has since banned iPads from being taken home.
According to The LA Times, police chiefs are urging for the rest of the rollout to be halted while this issue is resolved. A leaked memo from LA Unified School District Police Chief Steven Zipperman read: “I want to prevent a ‘runaway train’ scenario when we may have the ability to put a hold on the roll-out.” The devices will need tighter security before they return to student’s hands.
Source: The Verge