Whilst Facebook Home wasn’t particularly well received when it launched on Android earlier this year, maybe it’ll have better luck running on BB10, as the BlackBerry 10.2 update brings Android 4.2.2 app support, including Facebook Home.
In a video posted on YouTube, a Q10 owner admitted to having played around with a leaked build of the update, and had even managed to get the custom launcher working.
Home isn’t officially available for Blackberry 10, and this instance of the launcher was sideloaded onto the device — although this could pave the way for Facebook to add some official support — after all, Mark Zuckerburg did say he wanted to be on every phone.
If you want a BB10 phone, but can’t quite find your way around the confusing array of panels that make up the interface, then Facebook Home may be a perfect compromise — and on the Q10 it looks silky smooth.
Of course Facebook Home won’t be the only app now able to run on BB10, as the inclusion of the Android 4.2.2 runtime should see the majority of Android apps now compatible on Blackberry’s OS.
Source: Crackberry