App Store is EA’s biggest revenue source

Jordan O'Brien
July 24, 2013

It’s quite clear that mobile gaming is important to EA, after all there are a plethora of games on the App Store developed by the company.

However, did you know that the App Store is actually the games developer’s biggest source of revenue, eclipsing the traditional brick and mortar store?

According to the company’s COO Peter Moore, Apple is now “EA’s biggest retail partner measured by sales.”

He stopped short of saying how much iOS contributed to the kitty though, with just the $90 million figure mentioned — the revenue generated from mobile platforms.

It’s a surprising announcement by the company, although iOS sales being particularly highlighted is no surprise — especially given Android users overwhelming reluctance of actually purchasing apps.

Digital sales as a whole were now more important than ever for EA, with $378 million earned just from digital, whilst there was a total revenue of $495 million.

Source: GameSpot via CNET

About the Author

Jordan O'Brien

Technology Journalist with an unhealthy obsession with trains and American TV. Attempts satire far too often. (+44) 020 7324 3502

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