With Apples first new product in years, just around the corner. We’ve since learned that not only will all versions of the apple watch be reservation only, but it’s one per customer. Bad news if you were hoping to grab a family set.
Customers will be asked to bring photo ID as proof they themselves made the reservation.
“Inventory is subject to change. Your reservation is valid for pickup only at the Apple Retail Store that you selected. If you do not pick up your selected item(s) by the designated date and time, your reservation will be cancelled and your item(s) will be returned to stock. There is a maximum of 1 reservation per customer. Number of reservations may be limited. Apple reserves the right to refuse, limit or cancel a reservation if Apple determines that a customer has provided misleading or fraudulent information and/or abused, disrupted or attempted to circumvent the reservation system.”
While this one per customer limit is confirmed for the US and UK (as well as most likely other launch territories) Apple could well change everything between now and launch day, depending on stock limitations and demand. This limitation isn’t currently applied to orders made through the online store however, so if you’re feeling flush and just have to have more than one to choose from everyday then jump on this quick as again, this could all change quicker than you can say apple care.
If pre order woes weren’t enough, it’s also been confirmed that The more expensive Apple Watch Edition will only be available at select Apple stores, although we’re still yet to find out which stores are participating.
Pre orders for Apple watch begin on april 10th, with the wrist tech everyone wants actually going on sale April 24th worldwide.
Apple Watch starts at £299 for the entry-level Sport model, with the stainless steel selection ranging from £479 to £949. The gold Apple watch edition starts at an eye watering £8,000 and goes up to £12,000. Apple will be offering the chance to book a try on session, should you not yet be sold on the new wearable must have!
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