4K streaming on Youtube to be shown at CES?

Jamie Feltham
January 3, 2014

CES is an exciting time for gadgets and gizmos but it isn’t just about new phones and tablets. According to a new report, Youtube will be presenting 4K streaming at the event.

GigaOm has suggested that Youtube will partner with a number of hardware manufacturers to show off its ultra-HD serice. It could also be ready to show off a new video codec, VP9, which would allow for faster loading times.

It seems like the industry is ready to jump head first into 4K streaming at this point. Hey, if they tech-lords want us to see things in ultra-HD, who are we to argue with them?

Source: GigaOM

About the Author

Jamie Feltham

Videogamer, music listener, squash player, exerciser, technology journalister. Multimedia journalism graduate, writing for the What Mobile mag and website

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