Available for £50.99 from scan.co.uk
After recently reviewing the 1More Triple Driver 1E Headphones we have been given a chance to review the 1More Duel Driver In-Ear headphones. Now as mentioned before unless you are a die-hard audio fan the chances are you would not have heard of the brand 1More but don’t let that put you off.
The Duel Driver headphones are a great product and something you could well consider to be the travel accessory of choice. So let’s get down to the review:
So let me get the negative out the way from the off as mentioned with the Triple Driver headphones we have the same split material half braided cord that then splits into two rubber cables that lead to the earpieces. I really don’t get the need to change from something almost rugged in design and then change it into a plastic that goes into the headphones personally I would want the braided cord all the way as it would protect the important part of the headphones. Maybe one day they will act on my view but this is the only issue I have with these headphones.
The positives really do outweigh the negative so these headphones are able to be used in Android or Apple devices. These headphones also come with a 3 button controller that allows you to play, pause, change volume and receive calls. The overall look for headphones that cost £50 is a good one and something you would not be disappointed to buy these mid-range headphones.
When you open the packaging you welcomed with a nice presentation and everything you would require. We get the user manual and warranty information you come to expect you also get a small leather protective carry pouch and three different sized rubber earbuds for these that want the change the comfort. You also get a nice branded metal cable clip to keep things tidy so the cable does not get caught on anything. You also get an aircraft adapter for those who like to travel.
The headphones as mentioned earlier are made of two different materials which as you know I have my view on. So when testing the sound I used my trusted OnePlus 5T and used programs such as Spotify and YouTube. The music I listened to was a real mix and the sound quality was great no matter what I played. The bass given is punchy and well poised and for the cost, you should be impressed. Like the triple driver, the shape of the headphone really does benefit the sound given to the listener.
So overall for £50 these are a great option with quality sound and if you like your accessories presented in a professional manner these are for you. They are well designed which adds to the way the sound is presented and with the clear bass and high-end clarity these headphones really do perform to a level you would expect to pay more than £50. These are a perfect addition to what this company has produced.
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