Heard of Twitter Music? Or #Music, as the company would like us to call it (but we used UK Mac keyboards). The iOS app was designed to be a groundbreaking new music service from the social giant, but it could be on its way out.
It only launched six months ago, but a recent report suggests it will soon be killed off. All Things D is citing multiple sources in saying that the number of downloads for the app has been ‘abysmal’, and the engagement of those that do download is also poor.
Twitter Music designed to help users discover new music artists and tracks with content generated from user activity. There’s no need for an original Twitter account, although it would link to your iTunes library and offer similar suggestions if you used one.
To this extent it’s a shame that such a project is failing. But stiff competition from the likes of Spotify undoubtedly made it an uphill battle.
Source: All Things D