Scientists develop battery that can charge in a minute!

Ben Rayner
April 8, 2015

Researchers have created a new type of battery that could charge in less than the time it takes to microwave your lunch! 

Scientists at Stanford University have developed an aluminium cell that they hope will son replace the standard lithium ion batteries that all current tech uses.

Described as offering ‘unprecedented charging times‘ the prototype is, according to researchers, safer than any alternatives due to it being less prone to combustion as well as being more environmentally friendly.

The teams findings were published in the Nature Journal in which Hongjie Dai, Chemistry Professor at Stanford, explained just how big a breakthrough this development was.

We have developed a rechargeable aluminium battery that may replace existing storage devices, such as alkaline batteries, which are bad for the environment, and lithium ion batteries, which occasionally burst into flames. Our new battery won’t catch fire even if you drill through it.” 

“Millions of consumers use 1.5-volt AA and AAA batteries. Our rechargeable aluminium battery generates about two volts of electricity. That’s higher than anyone has achieved with aluminium.”

Even more impressively, the new battery is apparently much more durable than any of its competitors, capable of 7,500 charge cycles before any loss of capacity. Thats quite an impressive figure considering the average lithium ion battery can only handle 1,000 before decaying.

With battery life often the big sticking point for most devices, especially mobile phones, this could mean big things for the industry.

After all, who wouldn’t want to be able to charge their phone in less than two minutes?


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