Samsung sues Huawei for patent infringement, an accusation Huawei itself has accused Samsung of earlier this year.
It’s a weird game of lawsuit carousel, that the top three manufacturers in the world are playing. Huawei was only recently crowned third largest in the world, and it seems like it getting sued is an initiation.
But to be fair Huawei did start it (honest miss), for the Korean manufacturer using 11 of Huawei’s patents without permission. Now the shoe is on the other foot as Samsung fire back, accusing Huawei of infringing on six patents, with a demand of 161 million yuan ($24 million, £18.5 million) as retribution.
The Wall Street Journal reported Samsung’s fresh lawsuit cites a range of Huawei devices, including tablets and smartphones. Huawei’s sub-brand Honor is also guilty of infringement. Samsung demands the infringing products be ceased in sale to the public.
In a statement Samsung said it had “faithfully negotiated with other patent holders for the fair licensing of technology.” The company added: “Despite our best efforts to resolve this matter amicably, it has regrettably become necessary to take legal action in order to defend our intellectual property.”
Huawei has yet to comment. Samsung sues Huawei, Huawei sues Samsung, Apple sues Samsung. Will it ever end?
Huawei has proven successful recently with their move into high-end smartphone. The Huawei P9 received excellent praise from critics, particularly from us.
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Via Bloomberg.