Pornhub have released info-graphics detailing the entertainment habits of Android and iOS users.
60% of traffic going into Pornhub is from mobile devices, so the good folks at Pornhub decided it’d be best to see what exactly was popular viewing. The data is split into Android, iOS and other (PC & laptops).
Below charts the massive rise (wahey) in smartphone access to Pornhub. The exact figure is now 63% whereas collectively in the past it was a mere 12%. This is due to smartphones getting more powerful, with better processors and more ram. But the main reason would be that phones now support HTML 4 and 5, making the browsing experience similar to the one you’d get on a desktop.
To go even deeper, it’s been broken down into what kind of devices viewers preferred to use. iOS users like it huge, preferring to use their iPads.
Next we have length of time spent on the site and how picky everyone is. A battle of stamina we have here as iOS users tend to spend a mere 8 minutes and 40 seconds on the site and find what they want 9.8 page views. The stamina battle seems to have been won by Android users as they spend a leisurely average 10 minutes and 6 seconds per visit and peak out at 10.9 page views. iOS users can argue that with the iPhone’s optimisation and proven faster speeds, they don’t have to foreplay as much.
Geographically there are more iOS users on Pornhub than Android users, with iOS users coming in at 64% and Android coming at 31%. Across the pond in the US Android put up more of a fight with 44% and iOS beating them still with 53%.
Now for the battle of the sexes, which the men unsurprisingly came out on top with 74.5%. Looking exclusively at mobile traffic women account for 25.5% of viewership, which isn’t too much different from overall viewership of 24%.
Finally we have the age demographics which displays unsurprisingly; 18-24 year olds taking the majority in both iOS and Android. But not by a lot as 25-34 year olds were not too far behind.
For more on Apple and Android, visit What Mobile’s dedicated Apple and Android pages.