The iPad mini 2 is expected to be announced before the end of the year, but production of the retina display may prevent it from being launched in true Apple style.
Reuters is reporting that problems with the rumoured device’s display mean that it will only be shipping in limited quantities in 2013. Full production will get underway in early 2014. The outlet stated: “Apple Inc will be unable to widely roll out a new version of the iPad Mini with a high-resolution “retina” display this month, people who work in the company’s supply chain said […]
“Given the time required to ramp up screen production, a retina display-equipped iPad Mini would not be available in large volumes until early next year, the sources said.”
Apparently issues are stemming from the companies supplying the display (thought to be the likes of Samsung, LG and Sharp), who are having trouble keeping up with the retina’s power-saving requirements. It sounds like getting your hands on the new device in 2013 will be virtually impossible, which we’re sure is less than ideal for the company.
Right now it’s thought that both this new device and the rumoured iPad 5 will be announced later this month – towards October 15th – at an event.
Source: Reuters