Hands-free searching coming to Chrome

Jamie Feltham
November 27, 2013

You might have heard the term ‘Okay Google’ a lot in the past few weeks. That’s because the phrase is used in Android 4.4 to recognise voice commands. Now the hands-free option has come to Chrome browsers too.

You can download the new feature as a Chrome extension from the browser’s web store. You can then utter that most sacred of phrases, followed either by a search term of a command. Instructions include things like starting timers or finding locations. It’s pretty handy to get hands-free options (see what we did there?) but we have no issues with our keyboards either.

Source: Google via Gizmodo

About the Author

Jamie Feltham

Videogamer, music listener, squash player, exerciser, technology journalister. Multimedia journalism graduate, writing for the What Mobile mag and website

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