Google will allow you to submit a suggestion to name Android N.
In a surprise announcement at Google I/O, the big ‘G’ will allow fans to suggest a new name for their new operating system, Android N. Google has launched a website for your creative suggestions, of course names will all have to begin with ‘N,’ just don’t call it “Namey McNameFace,” pleaded Google.
Google started a new hashtag, #NameAndroidN, to begin the hype campaign and get every Android fan’s creative juices flowing. With suggestions being allowed, are Google open to a name outside of the sweets/dessert category? Maybe, Google didn’t exactly state any guidelines except for the hilarious Namey reference. But Google did state they reserve the right to make the final decision.
Android N will be available this summer with a whole host of new features that are looking to be winners. You can test out the Android N preview right now, compatible devices are the: Nexus 6, Nexus 9, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player and Pixel C.
Check out our guide on using Android N.
Moving along swiftly
Google are moving quicker than usual with their next major OS update, after announcing and releasing the preview earlier this year and promising to release it this summer. Usually Google announces the new Android upgrade at Google I/O, with a release by October.
What do you think Android N should be called? Drop your suggestions, just don’t take it too seriously as seen in the video below. Get creative!
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