You can now unlock your Motorola Moto X smartphone with a copper-infused ‘digital tattoo’

Callum Tennent
June 30, 2014

Just when we thought Android L’s location-sensitive smart unlocking was a pretty futuristic way to go about using your smartphone, along comes VivaInk to make us all feel incredibly dated.

The young company has struck a deal with Motorola to create a tattoo which can unlock your Moto X smartphone. That’s right, it may sound slightly useless, but it’s also cool as hell, and brings us one step closer to that cyberpunk dystopia which we’ve all been so desperately looking forward to since The Matrix came out about 15 years ago.

VivaInk - Digital Tattoo packet

Don’t worry though, if you’re intrigued by the idea but a little put off by the rather extreme dedication of the whole thing, the tattoos aren’t actually permanent. You buy them in packs of ten and each one lasts around five days. You simply apply them to your skin like some sort of weird, copper plaster and they’ll adhere there.

From there, you can simply tap your Moto X against it and its NFC technology will recognise the digital signature, unlocking the device. Despite its electronic capabilities, the Digital Tattoo is water proof too, so you needn’t worry about showering every day or even going for a swim.

The aforementioned 10-pack costs just $9.99 from the VivaInk website, and they’re available right now.

About the Author

Callum Tennent

International playboy/tech journalist.

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