Apple stores within stores could be heading to India

Jamie Feltham
October 7, 2013

Consider Apple stores within stores. It might help if you’ve seen Inception. Basically these are official kiosks that the company pops up in the likes of Target and Best Buy in the US. Now the company is looking to bring them to India.

Apparently Apple executives are meeting with the countries top retailers to work out a deal. Basically, should the company be allowed a select space in select stores then it will pay out to those retailers. It’s a move that Apple hopes will bring far more business to its product in the region. Right now the company doesn’t have an official store over there, and it’s said to be looking to open some 100 Apple stores within stores across a range of smaller Indian towns.

One retailer labeled the plans as ‘ambitious’, outlying that the company would pay a 15 – 20 percent margin for store space. If successful then it would give the company some much needed retail estate that would allow them to sell iPads, iPhones and the rest of its usual wears.

Source: VR Zone

About the Author

Jamie Feltham

Videogamer, music listener, squash player, exerciser, technology journalister. Multimedia journalism graduate, writing for the What Mobile mag and website

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