Android Skype update saves memorable videos

Manny Pham
November 19, 2015

Skype 6.11 comes with a host of minor updates; the standout being the ability to save videos sent during conversations. 

Video messages are awesome and that’s a major reason why Snapchat is the social media app to be on right now. But Snapchat works with its edge of timed messages and Skype’s latest update is the opposite of that.

Now when you receive a heartfelt video message from a loved one, you can save it into your gallery to view whenever you want. Only if you’re on Android unfortunately for the moment.

Other features include enhanced searching to find particular conversations on certain topics. You will also now be able to long tap conversations to archive, delete and mute.

The update is available now, head over to the Play Store to get in on the convenience.

For app news visit What Mobile’s dedicated apps page.

Via Skype.

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