If you’re constantly missing notifications thanks to the screen constantly being off, then you may have looked at the Moto X with intrigue — after all, it does have a screen that displays important notifications even when the screen is off. Now you don’t need a Moto X to have that functionality thanks to a genius Android developer who has created an application called ActiveNotifications which should resolve any issues you have with missed notifications.
The developer, called Niko001, is a member of XDA-Developers and had this to say about the app:
It uses the new “Notification Listener” service introduced in 4.3 and therefore has minimal impact on your battery. If you own an AMOLED-phone, the “battery saving” feature should work automatically, since black pixels are simply not turned on. The app comes with similar features as the Moto X Active Display (such as not turning on when the device is inside your pocket, purse, or lying face down). Unfortunately, relying on the 4.3 Notification Listener also means that you need a device running Android 4.3 (which are pretty scarce at the moment)…I’ll think about creating a version for older versions of Android if there is enough interest.
The app is currently free, but for those of you who are going to take the plunge and download it — be warned, it could drain your battery life.