Having an dedicated application is great way to spread the word of your business, providing the management is done successfully. We’ve outlined a series of tips below to help you get the most from a mobile application.
There’s a pretty good chance you have one of them in your pocket right now, don’t you? What is it? A mobile device, of course. The core functionality of these devices (besides making phone calls, or so you have been told) is to run a myriad of apps that serve virtually any purpose you can imagine.
Businesses from every corner of the globe are offering a huge number of products that have migrated from the physical world. These include things such as print advertisements and billboards, which are all part of the mobile realm. Now is the time for you to embrace this technology, as well.
If you already have, good for you. Now the challenge you are faced with is managing this new-fangled app that your customers are going to flock to. Keep in mind, apps aren’t “set it and forget it.” You have to put in time and effort if you want it to continue being effective.
The good news is, this doesn’t have to be another source of stress. Here’s our top tips for successful management of your business application.
Choose the Right Platform
The first step is to create your app. Management is one thing but believe it or not, the platform you choose also matters. If you go with the “free” versions, you may find they come up short when it comes to features, tools, and assistance. Then, if you pay for access to an app building platform and then discover you hate it, you may also be stuck. So, what’s the solution?
The good news is some platforms offer tutorials, ongoing support, and free or affordable prices. One example of a quality app builder for you to consider is Yappi.me. Check out the features and get to building – it works with both Apple and Android products.
Appoint Someone to Handle Advertisements
Are you planning on offering your customers a free app? If so, that’s great; your customers are going to love it. While this may be useful in helping you acquire new customers, what about earning revenue from your app? The most effective way for you to do this is by allowing advertisements. Don’t worry, you don’t have to utilise intrusive ads that take up the whole screen. Since it’s your app, you can choose how big or prominent you want the ads to be. Then, if someone clicks the ad, you earn money. This passive source of income is extremely appealing to many business owners. This is a job that you can delegate to one of your workers, since it may take up a bit of time each month.
Update the App Regularly
Anything gets stale after a while if it is never changed. You have to be willing to continue putting time and effort into your app. Make sure to update your app as often as possible. If you are extremely busy, consider only doing this once or twice a month. However, make sure your customers know when an update is coming. This will get them excited to see “what’s next,” and they will keep coming back for more.
Let Your Customers Know about the App
What’s the point of even having a business app if your customers know nothing about it? The good news is, getting the “word out” doesn’t have to be difficult. Do you send out a monthly newsletter or weekly ads with sales? If so, include a small ad about the new app you now offer. This is one of the a fastest and most efficient ways to spread the word without taking up more of your valuable time.
There is no question that having an app for your business can be extremely beneficial. However, you need to make sure there is efficient management to keep customers interested and to ensure your app remains effective.