With all of the great technology produced there have been some made that definitely help you out, however you would have never thought of how. These quirky technological advancements, whether they come in the form of an app or product, show just how innovative and creative the human mind is. Listed are some of the most quirky tech products and apps we found on the internet. Enjoy!
Drunk Lock
Imagine this. It’s Friday, and you’ve had a long week at work. The boss wouldn’t get off your back all week, so this Friday you’re looking to have a great night out with some friends. Oh, and what a great night you all had. A couple drinks at one bar and then another…and then another. Let’s say you’ve had too much fun. With drunk emotions soaring at its climax, you gravitate towards your smartphone and that’s where the madness begins. The next morning, in an almost drunken stupor you horrifically look at the posts and messages sent, which at the time couldn’t have been a better idea, all from the luxury of your friend’s lumpy futon. We’ve all been there at least once, and the Drunk Lock app looks to stop this impulsive behavior right in its tracks. The app works exactly as it says, a locker where you place your social apps that you know you can’t help but touch when you’re drunk. The catch is that it’s for a temporary amount of time, so you can go out and party in peace, waking up with a clear, tragedy-less conscious.
Massage Me
Not everyone is into gaming, and sometimes the only thing that can get in your way of finally beating Final Fantasy VII for the 20th time or playing your friend to finish up the regular season of your online Madden league is your significant other. Concentration is the key to a successful video game experience, something that is impossible with a constant nagging in your ear. Although not circulating in the market, the Massage Me product, originally created by Mika Satomi and Hannah Perner-Wilson, has a website dedicated to teaching those interested in making it. As of right now models have only been designed for Playstation controllers. Now you can take care of business on your Playstation while also caring for your significant other.
YO Sperm Test
Sure, the YO Sperm Test could be used after you use the Massage Me product enough or maybe it’ll get busted out after a night out with the frat boys for a little late night fun – just remember to have those apps locked up¦ Regardless of the context of its usage, the YO Sperm Test is a product/app that lets you test your sperm to find out whether you’re fertile or not. The thing that separates this products from other at home sperm test kits is that it not only gives you the amount of moving sperm but it also records and saves a live video of it. Given a 97% accuracy rating, simply install the app and follow the directions to figure out whether you’re ready to be able to conceive or not.
Procraster App
Oh, Procrastination, a term that every college student becomes familiar with if they weren’t before. We’ve all laid on our beds, wondering what your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend that you had in middle school is doing, and let’s be honest, we all have suddenly noticed just how dirty our rooms are when there is the big paper due in the next day or two. A common, but necessary function for the college kid learning how to manage time. Despite its simplicity, the Procrastination app makes procrastination even easier than it ever was! The design is simple: add your tasks for the week and then review them. Not really feeling like doing that homework assignment? Swipe it to tomorrow’s list and move on. The app knows how stressful life can be and although you still are putting off tasks, seeing that list grow may just give you the drive you need to get something done.
Brainwave Cat Ears
Deviating away from quirky apps available comes an interesting piece of wearable technology offered by Necomimi. The Brainwave Cat Ears is a piece of wearable technology that guarantees to make your ears wiggle. The device is designed to showcase the amount of brainwaves you have going through your head by placing a set of the cat-like reactive ears on your head. The set can detect interest, excitement, relaxation, thought process, and more in real-time. Although not really an extremely applicable in everyday life, the device could make for an interesting night with friends or out at a house party for sure.