Every fiction writer knows the dreaded slump in the writing process. It’s that time where you create and write so much one moment and the next nada! It’s not just writer’s block, it’s like everything else just came undone without no reason at all. Even with a dedicated word count tool, you’ll still feel helpless!
That’s why it’s imperative for any fiction writer to know how to combat this slump. It’s an individual process, as it can be different from one writer to another. So, here are some tools that may negate that slump, and will keep your writing in tip-top shape:
iA Writer
Every once in a while, a tool comes on which makes just total sense. iA Writer is one of those tools. It’s the writer’s writing tool, as it puts forward the content and the words and thoughts which are the most important things in writing.
With iA Writer, you not only get an app that has a basic word count tool, but you also get a program that doesn’t focus on the toolbars and the features, or what you can do with the app itself. It focuses on your writing, and how you can improve it.
Every writer knows that a less than stellar output, or even a draft, will make editors question your basic skills, that’s why turning in something more than half-way decent is imperative. This is where Grammarly shines, and while it’s a universal app for the public, it has one of the most powerful spellings and grammar tools to help even the most discerning writer.
What sets apart Airstory among the apps listed in this article is that it has a drag and drop feature that helps in preparing the outline of the story. This is especially handy to novel writers, as one of the most important things in creating a great novel is pacing the story right. Having an outline is the only way to do that.
It can also categorize notes and notecards by how related they are, and as a writer, you’ll need these when creating something out of nothing. Jotting down inspirations will be streamlined so that the next time you have an idea, you can readily add it to your existing stack. How’s that for neat?
OneLook Reverse Dictionary
Finding the word that’s apt for a specific sentence just got easier with this nifty dictionary. Got a word that’s on the tip of your tongue but can’t quite remember it? Just type the word’s concept into OneLook’s search bar, and it recommends words based on what you’ve just inputted. For writers, this is a lifesaver.
How many times have you underlined or put in red a certain word and promise to change it after because you’ll be looking for the right one later, and then forget all about it because you’ve already moved on to the rest of your novel? Yep, that certainly won’t happen again with this reverse dictionary.
A great laptop
Let’s face it. You can’t write nowadays without a decent laptop. In choosing one, make sure that the main writing tool you’re planning to write on can be installed in the laptop’s operating system. A Mac or Window is great, but choose the one where you can store your files in the cloud.
Pen and notepads
Look, these are the most basic things any writer should have. A trusty pen and a notebook to scribble your ideas on are handy when you don’t have your laptop around. While it’s very practical to file your writings on a computer, sometimes a pen and notepad add to the thrill of the process. It’s coming back to the basics. And you can always transfer them to the computer later.
Merriam’s Dictionary
We don’t mean the big old dictionary, but it’s the online counterpart. The biggest and most trustworthy dictionary is available online and has dedicated apps for most operating systems. Got a word that you’re not sure the meaning is? Then you just need to look it up. Plus, with the online version’s additional feature of antonyms and synonyms, your word game will be on point.
For a fiction writer to create something truly life-changing, he/she needs to delve deep into what she knows and believes in. Give life to the characters like it’s their children, and make the writing so beautiful, people can’t deny its value.