The next monthly update for Microsoft’s Xbox One console is set to bring a feature that has been sorely missed ever since the console’s launch over a year ago: voice messaging.
This feature was originally available on the console’s predecessor, the Xbox 360, but found itself mysteriously lacking on the Xbox One. It will be making its return as a part of its April update, though, which is rolling out in the coming days.
You’ll be able to access it from the Snap menu and can do so via voice commands, if you’re busy gaming, or through good ol’ fashioned button pressing. You’ll be able to send them to both friends on Xbox One and Xbox 360, if any of your chums are still procrastinating in upgrading their console.
There’s also been an update to Party chat. It should now prove to be more reliable thanks to the inclusion of dedicated servers. There’s nothing more frustrating than losing communications during the middle of an un-pausable online match, so you and your teammates should see a lot less of that happening from now on.
The Xbox team have posted a video showcasing these new features which you can take a look at below.