Apps – a simple little word for a simple little concept. It’s funny to think that, 10 years ago, no one would have ever heard of the idea, and now we’re fast approaching the 100 billionth download this year. That really is a ludicrous number, isn’t it?
Mashable tells us that, at the end of 2012, we had collectively downloaded 64 billion apps. By the end of 2013 we’ll be at 102.1 billion downloads. Projections for the future suggest that that number will have more than doubled by the end of 2017, taken to 268.7 billion downloads. That’s a lot of Angry Birds, Twitters, Facebooks and Netflixes. Unsurprisingly the bulk of these will be free, although paid apps will take over a larger slice by the year.
Sadly, we predict the 100 billionth download itself will be Candy Crush Saga.
Source: Mashable