Rovio has unleashed the sequel to its smash hit Angry Birds Star Wars, aptly named Angry Birds Star Wars 2, with Windows Phone users getting it the same day as their iOS and Android counterparts.
If you’ve ever heard of Skylanders of Disney Infinity, then the new game model that has been introduced in Angry Birds Star Wars 2 will be familiar, with real life toys being available to buy which you can then transport into the game. Although there’s nothing forcing you to buy it.
Despite being a sequel to the original game, Angry Birds Star Wars 2 covers the prequel era of the films, so let’s hope that it’s still popular with the fans of the original, unlike the films.
If you’ve played the original then there’s not that much different with the new game, sure it’s a new setting and there’s a ton of new characters, but this is still an Angry Birds game, and the gameplay hasn’t changed.
A lot of the new characters you won’t be able to play with straight off the bat, with you forced to earn enough tokens to pay for them, or you can pay for more, and you won’t be able to use them an unlimited amount of times, unless paying a substantial token premium.
There is a way to get all the characters to use permanently without spending your tokens though, and that’s with the new game model, where characters you buy in the physical world will be yours to keep in the game world, permanently.
What’s interesting is that Angry Birds Star Wars 2 was available on Windows Phone 8 a day before it launched on the other platforms, a possible win for Microsoft who has struggled to get apps.
Now however, it is available for all three platforms and you can download it at your leisure from the App Store, Google Play or the Windows Phone Store.