One of the big draws of Apple’s devices is how nicely they play with one another. With the release of its latest desktop operating system, OSX Yosemite, Apple has made the collaboration between your various devices more fluid and seamless than ever. iOS may come under criticism for its closed nature compared to Android, and often with good reason, but this is one of the major benefits.
Despite operating on Android, Samsung is almost an ecosystem of its own. The Korean manufacturer makes just about every type of electronic you could care to name, and its smartphones are some of the most popular in the world. In what is surely an attempt to entice users into going all-out Samsung it has released an intriguing new feature – Samsung Flow.
Samsung Flow works just like Apple’s Continuity. If you’re browsing a webpage on your Galaxy smartphone and want to continue reading on your Galaxy tablet then you can transfer it over with two button taps and it’ll pick up right where you left off. Similarly, if you answer a video call on your tablet but then have to move, you can transfer the call to your handset. It’s all shown in the demo trailer at the top of the page, along with a host of other neat features.
We’re pretty impressed with the whole thing. It’s nice to see Samsung focusing on the little details and pulling them off with such uncharacteristic sheen and finesse. What do you think? Is Samsung Flow enough to make you unify all of your devices under the big blue banner?