Vodafone has launched the Smart prime 6. The network claims the phone is the “best value” 4G handset on the market.
The 4G device costs £79, and customers who take a prepay tariff worth £30 a month will receive access to Spotify Premium, Sky Sports Mobile TV or a NOW TV Entertainment Pass.
There’s also a 3G version that costs £40 when purchased with a pre-pad SIM.
Vodafone Smart prime 6 specs
The Android device gets a 5-inch HD display, a 1.2GHz processor, 8MP rear camera, 2MP front camera, 1GB RAM, 8GB of internal storage and a 2,500mAh battery.
A few weeks ago, EE released another affordable 4G handset called the EE Harrier Mini, which costs £99. By releasing the Smart prime 6, Vodafone has managed to undercut EE.
The Smart prime 6 is currently available to purchase from the Vodafone website.