Stop the presses, the world’s gone mad: a mobile service provider has confessed that you can’t always get good reception.
Anybody who has ever used a mobile phone on any network will be aware of this. It is a fact of life. But for a network to actually admit to it? Hats off for the honesty.
The network in question is Three, and it wouldn’t remind you of a problem unless it has a solution. The solution, in this case, is the Three inTouch app.
Three inTouch allows you to make calls and send texts over Wi-Fi, so you’re not completely out of the loop when stuck somewhere without signal. It’s designed for those who live in areas or homes where the service is a little patchy indoors, but Wi-Fi is a consistent presence.
Three also draws attention to another cool perk of the app for Londoners. With Wi-Fi present at the majority of London Underground stations, you can make phone calls even when underground on the platform. Pretty handy.
The person you’re using the app to communicate with doesn’t need to be using the Three inTouch app either – you can contact literally anyone on any network.
It’s available on iOS and Android, free to Three subscribers. It’ll most likely be of more use to Android users seeing as how iPhone owners already have the Wi-Fi enabled messaging service iMessage packaged with their device, but the ability to make calls over the internet is new to both parties.