Twitter promoted stickers will form part of the new #Stickers library, where brands will be able to share their creations.
It’s no secret that Twitter has been having a rocky road recently, with a reported net loss and lack of new adopters attributing to a change in CEO and overall strategy. There’s even talk of them removing the 140 character limit. Anything that brings in more revenue is a welcome addition, so it makes sense that Twitter would open this up to outside promoters.
Twitter has finally jumped on the advertising bandwagon and introduced promoted stickers. The feature allows brands to create and share custom stickers for anyone on Twitter to use. The social media giant will be a launching a #Stickers library for users to browse through that will include those from brands and advertisers.
Twitter promoted stickers – an answer for their money woes?
Promoted #Stickers are live! Design custom stickers that add creativity to a person’s photos https://t.co/wIIDHAC0KK pic.twitter.com/iNz8sTUAv4
‘ Twitter Advertising (@TwitterAds) 15 August 2016
To stop things getting congested, Twitter has limited the number of stickers that a company can make to eight. The first company to jump on board the initiative is Pepsi, who will share 50 custom stickers across 10 markets.
It’s going to be interesting to see exactly how this catches on, especially as the current crop of Pepsi emoji’s look like glorified versions of the standard smileys. If people are actually going to use these emoji’s over the standard ones, companies will need to think up fresh ways to make their stickers stand out.
We could be about to enter a pretty big Twitter branding war.
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