Rumours are circulating Samsung will improve TouchWiz, in an attempt to make it more ‘fluent’ than iOS.
The improved TouchWiz will be worked on by Google engineers, perhaps in time for the release of the Galaxy S7 early next year. The engineer will look to optimise the underlying code of TouchWiz. Whether Samsung will ever make TouchWiz as optimise as iOS remains to be seen. The S6 series displays how far Samsung have come with TouchWiz, showing how much TouchWiz has been optimised for Samsung devices.
Samsung has an internally developed OS called Tizen (OS of the Gear S2), which would be a better choice to fully optimise Samsung devices. But this would mean virtually no app support at first, Windows Phone currently suffer from a lack of range in their apps library, as Microsoft opted to not run Android in their devices.
If rumours prove to be true, Samsung are taking the smart route by accepting their Android overlords and improving upon what is an excellent Android skin (TouchWiz). Or they could just adopt stock Android, arguably the best Android OS skin.
For more on Samsung, visit What Mobile’s dedicated Samsung page.
Via Sam Mobile.