Imagine if historic photos were all taken using an iPhone camera. They might not be as striking as they are these days, as shown by these samples provided Nuttycombe on his Tumblr page.
[alert type=alert-blue ]1) Battle of Iwo Jima[/alert]
The now infamous photo of WWII soldiers raising an American flag after the Battle of Iwo Jima as taken by the iPhone using the Kodot Verichrome Film filter, a Kaimal Mark II Lens and No Flash.
[alert type=alert-blue ]2) Vietnamese Children[/alert]
This photo defined the Vietnamese War, with children running along the street crying at the devastation. Now however it’s been converted into a photo taken on the iPhone using a Roboto Glitter Lens, Alfred Infrared Film and No Flash.
[alert type=alert-blue ]3) Hindenburg Disaster[/alert]
The Hindenburg Disaster was captured perfectly on this seemingly normal photo of brunch. Whilst taking a photo of brunch is now synonymous with iPhoneography, this is what the photo would look like if the photographer had an iPhone using BlackKeys SuperGrain Film, Jimmy Lens, and No Flash
[alert type=alert-blue ]4) Samsung Galaxy S4 teaser[/alert]
The day after Truman beat Republican Dewey in the US presidential elections the Chicago Tribune printed a famously inaccurate headline, with it claiming Dewey beat Truman. If the photo had been taken by an iPhoneographer, then maybe we wouldn’t have seen the headline at all.
[alert type=alert-blue ]BONUS) Berlin Wall[/alert]
We decided to have our own try using the Mextures app on iOS, and we can really see how the modern day obsession with filters really does detract from some historic events.