Text-to-Speech comes to Google Play Store

Jamie Feltham
November 7, 2013

Text-to-speech isn’t exactly new for Android devices, but Google has now added it for download on the Google Play Store.

The app comes with lots of useful features. Play Books has a ‘Read Aloud’ feature that, well, reads aloud to you, while the Translations app also uses it to tell you how to pronounce words in other languages and such. Think of it like Siri, just without the name and a different accent. In fact we should give it a name. Perhaps we should call it Greg.

It’s a free app on the Play Store, if it hasn’t already been installed onto your device.

Source: Engadget

About the Author

Jamie Feltham

Videogamer, music listener, squash player, exerciser, technology journalister. Multimedia journalism graduate, writing for the What Mobile mag and website

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