An innocent bystander was gored to death during the annual bull run through Villasecra, Spain.
The 32-year-old male was filming the action on his smartphone when one of the bulls became separated from the rest of the pack. It managed to run behind the crowd and attacked the man while he was attempting to film in the opposite direction. He was treated at the scene for wounds to his neck and thigh before being rushed to a nearby hospital in Toledo. He later succumbed to his injuries and passed away.
Smartphones have become increasingly prevalent within the bull running events, with several revellers endangering their lives due to careless actions. One runner in 2014 attempted to take a selfie while being chased by an angry horde, which landed him in trouble with the police. New rules were introduced outlawing the use of smartphone photography during bull run events, as organisers believe that it distracts runners from trying to stay out of harm’s way.
This weeks newest case was an unfortunate example of this.
Via Ars Technica