If you’ve been eyeing up a OnePlus One lately, you may want to do your best to secure one before next week. Due to current weak standing of the Euro, OnePlus has stated that it is going to increase the price of its handset in Europe.
The Chinese manufacturer revealed in a recent blog post that it has actually been taking a loss on all European sales of the handsets in recent months, so great has the Eurozone currency’s decline been.
Right now the 16GB version of the One will cost you ¬269, whilst the 64GB variant costs ¬299. As of March 25th those two variants will instead cost ¬299 and ¬349, respectively.
It’s still pretty great value considering the device that you’re getting, but what with the handset gradually ageing and talks of a sequel in the works it still seems a little strange. If OnePlus truly is taking a hit on every device sold in Europe, though, then you’d be hard pushed to disagree with the move.
OnePlus even published a graphic showing just how far the Euro has fallen – it lost nearly 40% of its value against the US dollar in a year – to justify its decision.
Ironically for a phone marketed as ‘the flagship killer’, Eurozone smartphone fans may now be just as well off buying a big-name device like the Sony Xperia Z2 or Samsung Galaxy S5. Considering those handsets are also nearly a year old now as well there won’t be much of a different in pricing come March 25th.