Japan loves Pokémon. Obviously. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone at this point that there is, in fact, an annual Pokémon tournament. Trainers battle one another via their Nintendo 3DS’, just like trainers in the game (sort of).
And what exactly is your prize should you emerge victorious in this nationwide tournament, other than the ridiculous title of real-life PokéMaster? This year, it’s a Nintendo 3DS XL. But not just any 3DS. This one is unique – unique to you.
The black-on-black device, dubbed the ‘Dragon King’, will have your name engraved on the back of it as a trophy-like commemoration of your hard-earned victory. It also features a rather fancy Mega Charizard illustration emblazoned on the front, too.
Don’t get too attached to the idea though, as you almost certainly aren’t good enough to ever win it. There’s always next year…