iPhone 5 garnered worst reaction at launch, S4 comes out on top

Jordan O'Brien
July 5, 2013

At WWDC Apple touted scores that show that the iPhone had yet again won J. D. Power’s customer satisfaction survey, for the 5th year running, but now we have the complete opposite — with We Are Social analysing online conversations during the launch of certain phones.

According to We Are Social, 1.7 million people were talking about the iPhone 5 on launch day, compared to 300,000 for the Blackberry Z10, 140,000 for the Galaxy S4 and a paltry 45,000 conversations involving the Lumia 920.

20% of the conversations about the iPhone 5 on launch day were negative comments about the brands, with many people complaining about the change to the lightning connector, Apple Maps and even how easily scratched the device will get.

In stark contrast, the Galaxy S4 managed to gain a much more favourable outlook from consumers watching the launch day event, with just 11% reacting negatively.

This isn’t all bad news for Apple, after all more people were talking about iPhone 5 than Galaxy S4, and people were more interested in the Apple brand itself than features of the iPhone 5, with 42% of conversations talking about Apple, compared to 20% talking about Samsung.

A lot of the people talking about iPhone 5 on launch day, were likely to be customers starkly against the fruit-flavoured phone — rather than consumers actually interested in what Apple had to say.

The news wasn’t bleak for the Lumia 920 either, which was viewed negatively in just 15% of conversations, compared to the Z10’s 18%.

This doesn’t come as much of a surprise after Nokia took second place in J.D Power’s customer satisfaction survey back in March, only losing out to Apple.

About the Author

Jordan O'Brien

Technology Journalist with an unhealthy obsession with trains and American TV. Attempts satire far too often. (+44) 020 7324 3502

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