If you find yourself sitting on a pile of cash and happen to live in China, you may now have something to do with all that money, with IMAX installing home cinemas in partnership with Chinese company TCL Multimedia all for around $250,000 ( £157,000).
Of course that doesn’t help if you’re a Russian oil baron, with a thirst for the IMAX-experience at home, but don’t worry as IMAX plans on expanding the service in Russia, Hong Kong and the Middle East — meaning you can sit back and enjoy your IMAX 3D film in the comfort of your own home. According to IMAX, the company is seeing the largest growth in China, now being its second largest market in the world — presumably behind the US.
3D films were intially looked at with sceptiscism, but they have since gone on to grow cinema revenues, and even moved into the home with many modern TVs coming with 3D technology built-in.
Source: BBC