Ikea is introducing a new accessory in its upcoming 2015 Sittning Line which it hopes will put an end to smartphone use during dinner hours.
Ikea is taking the fight to the table. For all those people who can’t eat dinner without checking their smartphones, this one is for you. The company has just announced a new accessory designed to introduce proper table manners. No texting under the table! Essentially, it’s just a little pocket sleeve for your device but it also matches the décor of the tablecloth for some sweet colour co-ordination. The idea is to give everyone at the table a place to store their device, so nobody can do any sneaky business. While it won’t stop the notifications, at least fellow dinner guests will be able to see if you can’t resist checking that incoming WhatsApp or email.
The aptly named “Logged Out” placemat sleeve is part of Ikea’s new Sittning Line, a collection of over 40 pieces of dinnerware, cutlery, glasses tablecloths… Basically the whole she-bang. The idea of the collection is to “celebrate the joy of sharing a meal with those you love”, which explains why they’re putting a gag over you smart device. With Ofcom figures showing that 23 percent of adults and 34 percent of teenagers use their smartphones while at the dinner table, it’s no bad thing to encourage a little physical socialising once in a while.