HTC will fix your phone’s cracked screen for free

Callum Tennent
February 19, 2014

HTC is a brand in decline. How do you gain back some of that lost market share? HTC reckon the answer is to show that they care.

For US users, if you crack your phone’s screen within the first six months of ownership they’ll fix it for free. No other manufacturer in the US is currently doing this, so it could be a big draw for clumsy/frequently drunk smartphone users.

The cracked screen is something that just about everybody has faced at some point in their smartphone-using life – the panic after dropping your phone followed by that dreadful sinking feeling when you pick it up and see the display shattered into a million tiny pieces is one of the worst feelings a personal electronic device can inflict. This sort of comprehensive, no-nonsense coverage is almost priceless.

It’s important to note that this deal is only available to people purchasing an HTC One-series phone from yesterday onward, though, so current owners will have to continue to live in perpetual fear. Or take out insurance.

About the Author

Callum Tennent

International playboy/tech journalist.

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