The screen protector is a thin film attached to a device’s screen to protect the screen from physical damage. So, let’s check out how to install it!
Screen protectors for mobile devices are one of the most annoying attachments and hard to use accurately. It is impossible to combine perfect placement with the removal of every bubble.
Moreover, if you try to modify it, you will break the screen protector. However, we have put together a guide for you to follow to easily install the screen protector, avoid problems, and keep your device screen 100% bubble-free.
This method is suitable for any screen protector on the market. You can use tempered glass protectors if you like the look and feel of your device’s original screen. Some screen protectors come with instructions and require that you moisten the screen protector before applying it.
In case you are from Finland, Norway, or Sweden, or a native Finnish speaker, check out this Guide in Finnish, How to Install the Screen Protector.
Types of Screen Protectors
Search for “screen protector” on Google, and the results may confuse you. There are too many brands, types, and prices, enough to make you spin. Luckily, screen protectors come in a few basic categories, each with its own pros and cons.
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
PET is a kind of plastic that is mostly used in items such as food containers or bottles. Protective PET films provide the least protection against scratches and bumps but are very cheap, light, and thin, so they are less visible when applied to mobile phones.
Unlike the more durable but rubberised TPU, they also feel quite soft to the touch. PET is also slightly stiff, so you cannot lay it end to end on curved-screen phones like iPhones. If you want to use PET, experts would recommend Tech Armor more.
Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU)
You should consider TPUs if you like more traditional screen protectors. It is a soft plastic that is awkward to install, does not appear too smooth (due to its almost rubbery texture), and adds an “orange peel” effect on the phone screen.
However, it is not without its advantages: it is flexible, so you can use it while walking with any cell phone. TPUs have better impact protection than PET, and it has a limited ability to “self-heal” small scratches.
It has many distinct types, based on the look, sound, and feature you like. However, not all mobile phones are compatible with all styles, and some mobile phones do not have any TPU option.
Tempered Glass
These are the ancestors of screen protectors. They do not have the self-healing ability of TPU but are more effective at protecting against scratches and drops. Nowadays, their prices have come down quite a bit.
Since the protective glass film is thicker, they are much more visible on the screen, which is not good if you do not want to melt the screen’s protective glass layer. Because screen melting can harm your display vastly.
Nano Liquid
You can also find LCD screen protectors on the market these days. These claim that you can protect your phone by erasing the phone’s solution and then cleaning it. These protectors have many peculiarities, so it is difficult to recommend them. While this layer can provide some additional protection level, it is too thin and can easily scratch the actual screen, contrary to the screen protector’s purpose.
Also, it cannot be removed and replaced with another screen protector. Most products say you cannot remove it, but it will gradually wear out over time. This makes testing difficult as you cannot just scrape off the product. It is not clear whether you would end up scratching the device screen in an attempt to scrape off the protective film. Therefore, the permanence of these protectors makes it hard to compare and recommend.
Which One Is Best?
Do not pay too much attention to the brand’s hardness level – the ASTM hardness scale is the most common. If you are unsure about a particular brand’s toughness, you can Google to see if anyone has tested it with the Mohs kit.
Most people are better off to use tempered glass protection films – they are the softest to the touch, prevent most damages, and are inexpensive. You can choose PET or TPU (if you are not too picky about aesthetics) mainly because films like TPU provides edge-to-edge self-healing protection on curved screen devices.
So, let us start on how to apply screen protectors on your device.
Clean your Hands
Most of the instructions do not include this step, which we think is absurd. Washing your hands ensures that the screen protector’s surface does not accidentally get dirty and that no fingerprints are left on the adhesive surface.
Initial Device Cleaning
Find a sizeable dust-free surface such as a clean table or desk. We recommend that you do this indoors and not someplace too windy. Consider turning off your fan if you are indoor.
Remove your device from the protective covers inside the device, and then use a microfibre cloth to thoroughly clean fingerprints and smudges on the screen. Do not worry about removing every particle of dust.
This stage is just a rough cleaning operation that can remove large, clearly visible things. Spots are sometimes tricky to remove. Screen protector packaging usually includes a microfibre cloth, or you can buy it at many electronics stores.
Experts do not suggest wiping the screen with paper towels or tissue paper. There will likely be too many finite tissue particles left behind.
Removing the Screen Protector
Pull the screen protector from its wrapping and figure out which portion of the protective cover is pointing upwards. Later you can remove the protective film on the adhesive side.
Keep the left side of the glass protection so that it is positioned perfectly on display. Rectangular stickers sometimes come with protective packaging, and you can also use these stickers in place of adhesive tape.
Do not use any tape that will tear and leave a mess, as the tape will need to stick to the phone in the next step.
With the protective film still underneath, place the screen protector on your phone and align it correctly. Preserving the protective coating makes it possible for the protector on display to slip into place perfectly.
Use all the cutouts of the protective cover to help you align it properly. Ensure that it is entirely on the surface to create a flawless wrap around the entire edge until fully installed.
When you find the place you want, fix it in place and, at the same time, wrap the two tapes on the back of the unit to attach the screen protector.
Make sure the tape is tightly wrapped so that the protector does not move when released.
Secondary Cleaning
Flip the protective panel after applying it to your device to uncover the device’s display. Wipe the screen again with a microfiber cloth to remove any dust particles that can accumulate.
Next, take a piece of masking tape or the attached sticker, such as a lint roller, to remove any particles left on the cloth. Hold one end of the tape, stick it to the screen, and pull it several times from the entire device.
The tape’s stickiness will not leave any trace on the device’s screen and will keep it as clean as possible.
It is essential not to leave particles on the screen as they will be trapped under the cover and prevent them from sticking to the screen. Screen dust will leave indelible bubbles.
Apply Screen Protector
Now your device is spotless, and you can use the protector. Turn the screen protector to the side and fix it with tape. Carefully peel the adhesive coating to ensure sure the tape remains intact.
Rotate it quickly toward the machine while maintaining tension on the belt. The tape will ensure its perfect alignment in the correct position.
Remove the tape carefully to avoid accidentally lifting the screen protector from the device, which could cause dust to enter the bottom, and then slowly remove the front screen protector.
In case you are looking for iPhone Protectors, BodyGuardz offering a range of screen protectors only for iPhone.
Remove Bubbles
Using this method to apply a screen protector will cause some bubbles to appear on the screen. However, since there is no dust underneath, it is effortless to remove completely.
Use the plastic squilgee or the card included in the box to push the bubbles to the adjacent side. Some particles may need more pressure to eliminate, but do not hesitate to add force because the screen is safe.
However, be gentle when applying pressure as the screen might break or get damaged if you apply too much pressure.
The screen protector comes with an instruction paper. While you already know how to apply it, frankly, it is not that easy to understand. No wonder so many people make a fuss.
They follow such terrible instructions! Fortunately, we all have access to articles, photos, and videos on the internet that help us understand this situation.
Also, the tape method is the best, mainly because the tape is more safe and secure.
Belkin introduced new reusable screen protection for several devices, be sure to check it out!