Facebook unveils new mobile ad program, refers to them as ‘beautiful and relevant’

Callum Tennent
May 1, 2014

There’s a fine line between sugar coating an unpopular announcement and genuinely believing your own BS. With regards to Facebook’s latest change, which side do you reckon they fall on?

At last night’s F8 developer conference the social media monolith announced a new update to be rolling out soon – the Audience Network. In essence, it’s a tool for developers which allows Facebook to help them sell and target ads, as well as gauge various analytics. Facebook’s Product Marketer Deb Liu said that the ads would be “integrated, not disruptive”, which all sounds well and good. Then again, she also said that they would be “beautiful and relevant”. Adverts. On Facebook. Hmm.

Still, if ads are an unavoidable inconvenience then it’s undoubtedly better to have ones which are targeted to your interests than just seeing the same irrelevant spam everyone else does. 60% of Facebook’s revenue is generated from advertisements, whilst they’re also responsible for $3bn worth of Facebook’s transactions.

We know that there will be three types of ads: banner, interstitial and native, and the image below shows what they might look like. So, who’s excited?

Facebook - Mobile Ads

About the Author

Callum Tennent

International playboy/tech journalist.

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