Ebay have released details of their research into the Apple App Store to mark the 5th anniversary of the e-commerce service.
In the last year alone over one million apps entered production but 64% of these were either rejected by the App Store or never completed development. Many of these came from existing brands and retailers as existing businesses sought to engage with their customers via their smartphones and tablets.
Around 42% of apps related to retail and services successfully launched with just under 73,000 becoming available for download in the last 12 months. Only 18% of these allowed customers to make ‘anytime, anywhere’ purchases via the app however, with the majority simply providing information on the retailers products and services.
Senior Director of m-commerce Ebay Europe, Olivier Ropars, commented: “Many brands and retailers have created apps, but driving regular traffic to the app is another matter.” eBay have adopted a strategy of partnering with existing businesses, allowing them to sell products via the existing eBay app, offering smaller businesses access to the wider eBay audience.