China ‘Pickpocket’ video goes viral, probably fake

Thomas Wellburn
May 4, 2016

There always seems to be something viral coming out of China and the latest is a video of a girl getting ‘pick-pocketed’ while she unassumingly plays on her smartphone.

Couple of things to mention about this video: it’s very convenient and probably fake. If we’re going to get nitty-gritty about things, it’s pretty clear from the start that this guy is the worst pickpocket going. A blundering mess, he seems to make no attempt in hiding his hands as he blatantly slips it into the woman’s bag. Then she ‘catches’ him, before grabbing his hand and refusing to let go. At this point, the crowd behind them already appears to be filming… Which is pretty efficient for a bunch of supposed random witnesses. Finally, she gains superhuman strength and pulls him by the hair to the opposite side, before ‘booting’ him square into the wall.

Watch the video and decide for yourself… But let’s be fair kids, we’ve all seen wrestling, we know how it works.

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