Updated: Is Bluetooth 4.0 coming to higher-end Lumias or not?

Jamie Feltham
September 30, 2013

Update: Coming more in line with our sources, Nokia Germany’s PR team has tweeted that support for Bluetooth 4.0 will indeed be implemented to high-end devices in the future. The company’s Ben Lampe wrote: “BT LE is enabled on Nokia Lumia 520, 620 & 720 by Nokia Lumia Amber update ‘ planned for all Nokia Lumia WP8 smartphones via future update.”

Original story: Bluetooth 4.0 is a pretty regular feature in today’s smartphones, and is no stranger to Nokia’s Lumia series having featured in the Lumia 520, 620 and 720.

However it’s been suggested by Nokia Australia (via Twitter) that the company will not be bringing such support to its higher-end devices, including the likes of the Lumia 1020. The company’s account replied to one fan, stating that ‘Bluetooth v4.0 Low Energy (LE) technology will not be available for Nokia Lumia 8xx, 9xx and 1020.’

This is apparently due to hardware limitations. You’d have thought that, the more advanced a phone gets, the less ‘hardware limitations’ would be a factor, but apparently not.

However What Mobile’s sources have recently told us that support will indeed be coming to the higher-end range, just a little later on in the year. So is Bluetooth 4.0 coming or not? This could be a mistranslation of sorts, or any such plans may have been ditched since we last heard about it. Hopefully it’s the former of these two options, but expect some sort of follow-up from the company soon.

Source: WM Power User

About the Author

Jamie Feltham

Videogamer, music listener, squash player, exerciser, technology journalister. Multimedia journalism graduate, writing for the What Mobile mag and website

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