Blizzard announce funding initiative for collegiate esports societies

Callum Tennent
February 10, 2014

Gaming giants Blizzard have partnered with TeSPA (The eSports Association) to offer a wide array of incentives to college esports societies.

In order to assist the already rapid growth of esports in the US, Blizzard will be contributing additional support to TeSPA’s Membership Milestone program. For just a $10 annual membership enlisted chapters will be privy to rewards that increase in size as the group grows.

Not only that, but Blizzard do not even require participants to play Blizzard-developed games – they simply request that gamers remain “game-agnostic”, keeping an open and inclusive approach to community.

As a small example of the rewards offered: at startup, regardless of size, chapters are granted their own website and t-shirt; at 80 members a pizza party and equipment inventory upgrade are awarded; and at the highest level of 300+ members the chapter are flown around the country for celebrity meet and greets, as well as receiving even more ‘swag’.

Not only that, but cash is awarded along the way to help chapters cater to the general gaming needs of their members.  CEO and co-founder of Blizzard Mike Morhaime said in a  press release, “TeSPA has been a positive force in the esports community built from the ground up by a small group of dedicated fans

“By partnering with TeSPA we hope to give back to the players in a very new way to add fuel to an already thriving collegiate scene.”


About the Author

Callum Tennent

International playboy/tech journalist.

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