Angry Birds 2, the sequel to the popular bird-catapulting game Angry Birds, is now out on both iOS and Android devices.
The new game comes packed with new visuals, gameplay, characters and methods of destroying those famous pigs. New spells are also at your disposal, including blizzards, magic ducks and hot chili peppers.
If you fancy some competition, there’s now the option to challenge other gamers worldwide and, for the first time ever, choose your own bird to throw.
Angry Birds 2 characters
Those familiar with the series will be glad to hear that Red, Chuck and Bomb make a return. A new bird called Silver joins them all.
The game is free to play, but you can purchase extra birds, lives and tickets with real cash. You can also progress through the game by finishing quests or watching ad videos.
You can download Angry Birds 2 from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store today.