Android screencasting added to Google Chrome beta

Jamie Feltham
October 8, 2013

It looks like Google are streamlining the workload for web designers just a little bit.

The company has added Android screencasting support to the latest version of its beta web browser. This allows users to plug in an Android smartphone or tablet and immediately view web sites on the devices. It sounds simple but this is pretty useful for those designing web pages, as they can instantly check how code updates might change the appearance of the site on the smaller screen.  Things like the screen resolution can really change the web design when browsing on a tablet, so this is pretty vital.

Right now it’s only available to those that tinker with the Chrome beta, so the likes of developers. You’ll have to sign up for testing if you want access to Android screencasting, as there’s no word on such a feature heading to the public version of the service.

Source: Engadget

About the Author

Jamie Feltham

Videogamer, music listener, squash player, exerciser, technology journalister. Multimedia journalism graduate, writing for the What Mobile mag and website

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