How You Can Easily Evaluate the Design of Your Site

Lindsey Patterson
July 7, 2020

A website is a crucial component of running a successful business these days. Of course, it is not as easy as one might think. While simply having a site serves the basic function of informing consumers of your company and services, a more dynamic offering is needed if you really want to use the internet to your advantage. A lot of this will come back to the design and development of your site and assets. Whether you tackle this task yourself or hire experts to do it for you, it pays to evaluate your results every now and again.

Look over these steps and discover how you can judge the effectiveness of your site’s design. With a little research, you’ll develop the critical eye you need to make important adjustments down the line.

What’s the Purpose?

First, ask yourself what the purpose of your site is and whether or not you fulfil that purpose with your current layout. On the surface, you might assume that the main goal of your site is to tell potential customers more about what you offer. While this is true, it is also a bit too general. For example, a business that focuses on renovating homes should feature a design that includes many images of the projects that have been completed by the company alongside useful business information.

It also helps to consider your target audience. Does your design help to capture what your main customer base would like to see? A site for a bakery that is designed to look more like a site for pet supplies is going to be confusing to potential customers at best. If you’re unsure of the common aesthetic choices of your industry, do some research and find inspiration. You don’t need to adhere to specific guidelines, but you should know the structure before you try to break the mould.

Is the Experience Friendly for Visitors?

Your relationship with your customers online is going to be determined by the usability of your web resources. A site that is impossible to navigate is going to lose a lot of potential conversions. Developing a strategy for the best CRM for small business starts with an interface that takes the user experience to heart. Click around your site and pretend you are a customer just stumbling upon it. Can you find the information you need without going to too much work?

Write down any troubles you encounter or potential problems you notice and focus on fixing these areas first.

Additionally, you want to think about how your site is displayed from one device to the next. The resolution and functionality when the site appears on a laptop browser will be much different when applied to a mobile device. Consider all device resolutions as you go about design and development improvements, as these minor details can totally change how people perceive your site.

Does the Site Offer Enough Content?

Content is everything these days. A business that offers a robust selection of original and shared blog posts, videos, memes, and pictures can expect a good amount of engagement on social media. This translates to organic traffic to your site and more customer conversions. When looking over your site’s design, take note of your content offerings. If you don’t already have a blog, create a space on your site for blog posts. Even infrequent posts can drive traffic if written and shared at the right time.

Without a functional website, it is impossible for your business to see the success that it deserves in the digital age. Luckily, there are a ton of interesting ways to go about evaluating the overall design of your website. By giving yourself the chance to test the effectiveness of your assets, you stand to make major improvements that benefit your business.

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