Home-kit enabled accessories are becoming popular among people these days. You can easily control your connected devices with this new technology whether it is temperature, lights, Air conditioners, or even locking the doors just by giving simple commands using your iPhone. You can also control your connected devices while away from your home with Apple TV as Apple home-kit devices has made it easier for you to control some functions using the Wi-Fi and commands from your iPhone. Home-kit enabled accessories can be controlled with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad having iOS 8.1 or latest versions of it. All it takes is to download the App from the store and pair your devices using codes that come with the Home-kit enabled accessories.
Sometime there could be some problem with controlling your Apple home-kit devices using your iDevice and it can cause some serious problems. There always is some quick solution and fix to resolve your issues so if you are unable to connect your home-kit enabled accessories using iPhone, there are some possible solutions that can fix your problem right away. Let’s have a look at some of the tricks to help solve your issue of Apple home-kit devices.
Locked Devices
The first thing that you should know if you are using home-kit enabled accessories is there are some accessories which you can’t control using Siri command if the device is locked. So you have to unlock your device first before you try to give any command or control the accessory.
Checkout Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
If you are facing any trouble accessing the Apple home-kit devices then make sure that you are connected to WiFi and internet is working on your device. Also, keep the Bluetooth turned on to avoid any inconvenience. Most of the times the problem arises due to the Wi-Fi connectivity on your device so check it first before trying anything else.
Are you logged in to your iCloud account?
Well, you should be able to execute Home-kit commands using your Apple ID and any device that is logged in with your Apple ID should understand the commands and execute them on accessories. If you face any trouble accessing your primary or even auxiliary device, make sure that you are logged in to your iCloud account and it is showing Home under the Settings > Home-Kit.
Is App still working? Or is it iOS causing trouble? Check your home-kit app of choice to see if you can still connect to the device and if the connected hardware still responds to the buttons you press inside the app then there might be a problem with the iOS of your iDevice.
To resolve the iOS issue, you need to try some options first liking logging out of your iCloud and then logging back in or reset your Home-Kit sync to check if the problem is resolved. If the problem is still there, then you might need to reset your Home-Kit settings to reset all the settings to default and start it all over again so it can run smoothly. Yes, it will require to set up your entire home-kit home from the start and it will take some time but if all the other options are failed, you have to try resetting your device and its settings. Here is how you can reset it on your iPhone
Firstly, Open the Settings App
Then go to Privacy > Home-Kit
Now tap and select Reset Home-Kit configuration
It will reset and remove the whole settings and names you asked Siri to remember for your home. Also, you will be required to pair your device with the Home-Kit accessories again and start it all over again to manage the settings and names. Connect the accessories with your device to control the functions. Hopefully, your problem will be resolved after resetting and trying this solution.
5. You might need Apple TV
Apple home-kit devices can work when you are in range to your Wi-Fi and it confines it only to the Wi-Fi network so you can control the accessories only when you are at home. Apple TV will allow you to access your home-kit accessories even when you are outside of your house. With HAP support and Apple TV, you can control your home-kit accessories outside of your house as it creates a bridge and executes the commands via Apple TV. So if you forget to turn off your lights or AC, you can turn them off from remotely using your iPhone and Apple TV.
This article should help fix all the devices related issues for you and enable you to keep the devices at your home running fine all the time.